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Craving Mexican food all day so decided if I was going to treat myself it had to be healthy-ish and I would have to walk there. 1.5 miles one way and forced myself to take main road and crosswalks like a big girl. This is sooooooooo outside my comfort zone.

I have been mooed at oinked at glared at with disgust when I was heavier. I have maybe one time ate alone out of fear of being judged.

It is 74 a breeze and I am sitting outside alone enjoying this date with me!!! Having a yummy sopes meal. I am not going to rush and then I will walk home feeling good that I walked off my meal and got some sun and air. But even more important I just grew a little more today and stepped WAY outside my self imposed box.

Decided to take a looooooong way home and I more than worked off my dinner. I am not sure I have had that long of a cardio AND fat burning sustained. What a great end to my day. Beautiful night watching the mountain glow.... sweet dreams friends I'm off to take a soak and sleep.

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